We are home to numismatists that dedicate their time in analyzing coins based on different characteristics and compare them to other coins that have been established as references. To remain impartial, our numismatists do not participate in commercial buying and selling of coins and other currencies. Our experts grade coins based on the following attributes:
- Strike
- Surface Preservation
- Luster
- Coloration
- Eye appeal
Once coins are graded and certified, staff members will input these details to our database. Labels are then created containing the following pieces of information:
- The coin’s date
- Mintmark (if any)
- Denomination
- Variety (if any
- Grade
- Special designation
- The coin’s identification number
These labels will be encapsulated with the coin when stored. We keep a variety of plastic cases so we can store coins properly with minimal to no damage at all. The coins are blown and brushed free of dust and other foreign matter before encasing them. At this point, the coins are now ready to be shipped or given to buyers.